
Smart Logistics

Cross-border Integrated Service Solutions

Status Quo of Cross-border E-commerce:

Cross-border e-commerce is currently one of the most thriving industries in the world and will lead the international trade in the future. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, there are more than 5,000 cross-border e-commerce enterprises in China, and more than 200,000 enterprises in China carry out cross-border e-commerce through various platforms. In 2016, China's cross-border e-commerce transactions totaled RMB 6.7 trillion, up by 24% year-on-year. Among them, the scale of export is RMB 5.5 trillion, and the scale of import is RMB 1.2 trillion, greatly outperforming the growth of foreign trade in the same period.

However, cross-border e-commerce companies face many challenges:

1. At present, the customs clearance for cross-border small packages is mostly personal items delivered by mail and express. With the tightening national policies and the launch of the finance and tax system, it is imperative for the e-commerce to proceed custom declaration as international trade. 

2. Easy pass custom declaration modes include 9610, 1210 and 1239. Across local custom authorities, there are problems such as to-be-matured supervision process, weak information infrastructure of customs clearance and poorly equipped service ecosphere.

3. E-commerce enterprises and logistics enterprises lack professionals to handle businesses such as commodity classification and customs declaration, and their strong demand for finance is difficult to be answered by the bank.

About the Cross-border Integrated Service System;

This system is mainly aimed at the pain points of cross-border industries and provides a one-stop solution for enterprises with cross-border business by focusing on the core customs clearance system and combining professional operation and financial services.

The main functions of the customs clearance system on the core platform include enterprise filing, commodity filing, three-bill declaration, logistics tracking, commodity traceability, big data analysis, etc. The system can help e-commerce enterprises and comprehensive service personnel to conveniently and speedily handle import and export customs clearance procedures for goods.

Cross-border Integrated Service System Functions:


The portals are listed as follows: ordinary log-in, authentication, role and permissions management, news, messages and other log-in of subsystems.

◆ Customs Clearance

It completes the customs clearance of import and export business, supports three business modes of "general direct purchase export", "bonded import" and "cross-border direct purchase import" in business, and functionally connects with e-commerce, logistics, payment, warehouse, customs cross-border and national inspection.

◆Shopping Guide

Based on the "International Supply Center", B2C shopping guide service is provided, which supports the automatic display of commodities purchased by distributors in batches to the shopping guide platform, so that tourists can view commodities and interlinks. It also supports traceability of commodities based on bonded warehouses.

◆Cloud Warehousing System

It relies on professional technology to ensure operators build their warehouses, complete inventory management such as warehousing, inventory checking, lock-up, transfer and inventory statistics, and provide services in the form of API for other systems and platforms.

Characteristics of Cross-border Integrated Service System

◆ The business volume is averagely 10,000 orders per day. When the processing capacity of the system upgrade server and the network bandwidth are expanded to 10 times of the original system, it can support the business volume with an average of 100,000 orders per day.

◆ The system has flexible settings and supports various customs clearance modes

◆ The system has high security, and can be released remotely and updated automatically.

◆ The user experience of the system is highly optimized, reducing the workload of traditional single window operation by more than 50%.

Typical Case: Suzhou Wuzhong Integrated Free Trade Zone Project

The project is to implement a cross-border integrated service in Wuzhong Integrated Free Trade Zone. Its business architecture consists of five subsystems: portal, customs clearance service, shopping guide and Cloud warehouse.

After the implementation of this project, a variety of cross-border customs clearance service such as general export, direct purchase import and bonded import have been built for Wuzhong Integrated Free Trade Zone, attracting many well-known domestic e-commerce enterprises to enter and greatly improving the competitiveness of Wuzhong Integrated Free Trade Zone.
