


Securities Code:01708

Company Name: Nanjing Sample Technology Company Limited 
Total share capital of the company: 792,058,500 shares

Board members:the executive Directors are Mr. Sha Min (Chairman), Mr. Ma Fengkui and Mr. Liu Min, the non-executive director is Ms. Cai Lijuan; and the independent non-executive directors are Mr.Hu Hanhui, Mr. Gao Lihui and Mr. Niu Zhongjie.

Members of the Board of Supervisors: Mr. Qiu Xiang Yang, Mr. Dai Jianjun and Mr. Zou Tao 

Board Committees:The remuneration committee currently consists of  independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Hu Hanhui (chairman of remuneration committee), Mr. Gao Lihui and  executive Director, namely Mr. Ma Fengkui.The nomination committee currently consists of two independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Hu Hanhui (chairman of nomination committee), Mr. Niu Zhongjie and  executive Director, namely Mr. Liu Min . The audit committee currently consists of  independent non-executive Directors, namely Mr. Gao Lihui (the chairman of the audit committee), Mr. Hu Hanhui and Mr. Niu Zhongjie. The strategic committee currently consists of  executive Directors, namely Mr. Sha Min (the chairman of the strategic committee), Mr. Ma Fengkui and Mr. Liu Min . 

Company Secretary: Ms. Wong Lai Yuk
Registered Office: No. 10 Maqun Avenue, Qixia District, Nanjing City, the People’s Republic of China 
Hong Kong's Main Place of Business: Room 1203, 12/F., Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Hong Kong H-share Registrar: Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 
Auditor:  BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP 
Principal Bankers : Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (Nanjing Xinjiekou Branch) 
Legal Adviser: Cheung & Choy


TEL:025-84356666   FAX:025-84356677 | Mail:irm@samples.cn
irm@samples.cn 025-84356666